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  • AutorenbildHLB Ship Management

05.03.2023 - MV Spanaco Reliability collided with the pier and another ship while berthing.

On 05.03.2024 at 8:40 p.m. local time, MV Spanaco Reliability collided with the berth and a ship close by while attempting to berth with pilot advice in the port of Szczecin.

According to the captain, unfavorable current conditions led to difficulties in docking.

As a result of the collision, Spanaco Reliability caused material damage to the railing.

A PSC inspection is currently being carried out on board and internal investigations are ongoing.

Such accidents happen from time to time.

As a preventative measure, we can always recommend the following:

- Always use a pilot in unknown areas.

- Low speeds and timely reactions.

(Big speed = big bum & small speed = small bum)

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